Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Vintage Moustaches

Just in case your man needs some inspiration for Movember (see previous post) a selection of vintage mos from the classic 1977 tome 'Looking Good - A Guide for Men' by Charles Hix, (look for it on Amazon) and shot by Bruce Weber. I think they've stood the test of time!


  1. Haha I love it. I'm a classics movie fan, and I love how all the men in the movies from the 1940's era have the "mo", Clark Gable etc. ...and then of course there's our famous 80's era guy Tom Selleck.

  2. I'd forgotten about Tom S! I was thinking Burt Reynolds...Not everyone can carry one off, but I reckon, like red lipstick for the ladies, there's a moustache to suit every guy!
